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March 5, 2014
Princeton Broadband  Committee

Meeting Minutes March 5, 2014 7:05pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Committee Members Present:

Bill Dino
Steve Cullen
Petr Spacek
Stan Moss
Ned Utzig
Phil O’Brien
Rich Wagner


  • Approve 2/26 Minutes:  Unanimously Approved.
  • Steve reported on discussion with Ben Dobbs, MBI deputy director MBI – Steve indicated he has spoken to him and he would be willing to come out and talk to the Broadband Committee.
  • FCC EOI Update from Ned.   Document has been submitted, about 150-200 other applications in the FCC area.   Our $750K amount appears to be on the low end of the distribution.
  • Millennium Proposal & CATV Process Discussion.  Need to establish timeline of events such as signups for service, town meeting, mailings and/or info sessions.
  • Wired West discussion - $1000 membership, need to be an MLP to join.  Do we need to allocate funding for this prior to the town meeting.  
  • Ongoing Business
  • Discussion with Millennium on CATV licensing process and options.
  • Stan will bring in draft articles for the town warrant for MLP and BBC borrowing.
Action Items

Stan to contact David Epstein / Jim Drawe from Wired West.  
Rich to post FCC EOI on web site.
Draft articles for town meeting (Stan)
Timeline document (Ned)
Bill to talk to Verizon about make-ready process (Bill)
Set up future meeting with MBI. (Steve)

Upcoming Agenda Items
  • Discussion of any CATV applications received.
  • Planning for town meeting – presentation, articles, strategy.
  • Further Wired West application discussion next week.
Meeting adjourned 8:34 PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig